Wednesday, December 31, 2008
the year that was 2008...part 1.5
so you will just have to wait for part 2...i cant rewrite it now becuase i am almost to my stop and my eyes are burning (from working hard all day looking at all kinds of little numbers)...
i hope everyone has a fantastic new years eve celebration!!!
lets make 2009 a great one!!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
the year that was 2008...part 1
i was excited for 2007 to be over and move onto 2008...(sure i graduated and got a job and all that jazz...2007 was just an okay year for me) the beginning of the month i went to LA...i had a ton of fun there!...i went to the taping of the episode of dance machine that chris was in (and won!!!)...too bad it never made it to tv...the plug was pulled 2 days before it was scheduled to air...
the giants beat the stupid patriots in the super bowl! yay!!!...another valentines day came and went with no valentine for me...
i competed for the last time...i realized there is no such thing as spring break anymore...the bear collapsed...that was pretty scary cause i had no idea if i would have a job or not...its also pretty cool because its going to be a historical moment kids in the future are going to learn about...and i lived it...thankfully i was able to keep my job and make the transition to jp morgan...
i had my first drink ever...haha...i know i'm slightly behind but i still dont really see the appeal of it...
i turned 23!!!...i went to london!!!...another awesome trip for 2008...while there we did the typical touristy stuff and we saw girls aloud and BACKSTREET BOYS!!! (as i have stated numerous times before they are my fav!!!)...
the last lm dance recital ever...=(...(i'm still sad about this one...i dont really like to think about it)...the 18th was the 5 year anniversary of when i graduated from high 5 years already...time flies...
thats it for part one...come back tomorrow to find out what happened durring the second half of the year in part 2!!
Monday, December 29, 2008
yay me!
i got all kinds of good stuff from santa!...but my fav by far is rock band 2 (which i purchased and opened the sunday before christmas) is so much fun...i am obsessed with the drums!...i always wanted to learn how to play the drums in real life but since thats never gonna happen this is close enough...i cant wait to get home tonight and play some more!!!...
umm i think thats it for now...but stay tuned for pics of my super top secret projects...and a 2008 year in review blog...
ttyl...happy blogging!!!...
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
christmas time!!!
i am super excited that its christmas today (yes i count christmas eve as is a 2 day holiday....i dont care what anyone else says...)
i had to go to work!....but i left early...yay! so now i am on my way home...i cant wait to get there and start my christmas festivities!!!...
now its time to make my official secret santa predictions...remember this is just my speculation...bassed on process of elimination, peoples reactions, proposed trades, and other forms of investigation...i could be completly wrong but maybe not...we will see tonight...
britt has kate
kate has hunter
hunter has trev
trev has meg
meg has steph
steph has deb
deb has ty
ty has me
i have cort
cort has britt
if my predictions are correct it will be the first time we make it all the way around with out breaking the will also be the first time i am 100% cant wait to find out!!!!....
i must be going now...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
twilight tuesday!
the release date was announced and new moon will be in theaters november 20 2009...less than a year away!...this very exciting but i must admit that i am slightly it just me or does that seem too short of a time span to put together an awesome movie...i dont know much about the process of movies but i thought that they took a long time to put together...
also they are switching directors...many people seem to be upset about this...i dont really mind...they switch directors for a lot of the harry potters and they all turn out i'm not really too worried about that...
i just hope that they dont stray too far off from the book...because the cullens arent in this one as much and it might ruien it if the movie tries to squeeze them in where they shouldnt be...while no on e likes it when they leave its something that needed to when corey and topenga broke up...i hate watching those episodes but i know they needed to happen...
i would also like to say that this will probably be my last twilight tuesday post for a while...i'm not saying that i will never have another twilight post...they just wont be as frequent...anything i have to say twilight related will come up on a tuesday but not all tuesday blogs will be i think i just said the same thing like ten different
christmas is TOMORROW!!!...if you arent GETTING EXCITED yet then you really should!!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
the storm was raging outside
i would like to start off by saying that friday i didnt get home until 8 thanks to the awesome njtransit...i really love it when my train is delayed an hour to kick off my weekend!...i'm glad that it wasnt an indication of how the rest of the weekend would go...
friday was a snowy snowy day...i LOVE the snow!...its so pretty and started to really feel like after my train delay i went to brittos party...tons of fun there! can never go wrong with mocha cupcakes and a friendly game of catch phrase...(you say jam for yam...really ty?
saturday was our 5th annual christmas sleepover...we ended up not sleeping over becuase it started snowing againa and we didnt want to get stuck there...but we had fun anyway...we saw seven pounds...i really liked it and recomend for everyone to go see it but i say you should wait until the holiday season is is a sad movie...lets face it not all movies can be happy pappy...this one just happens to one thats sad...and if you dont cry at some point durring it then you have no yeah go see it but maybe wait a couple of weeks...
sunday i went to best buy and friendlys with cort britt and dj...i bought rock band much fun!...we made my mom play with us...haha...she was our lead singer...i couldnt stop laughing!...good times!!!...i cant wait until i become awesome on the drums...i always wanted to learn how to play them and now i sorta can...
and that was pretty much my whole weekend...
christmas is in 2 days!!! GET EXCITED!!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
nothing new
lets see...all of my shows are on hiatus for winter break so nothing to report on there...i finished my christmas shopping...i only have to pick up a few cards and gift cards and something for mimi and thats it...i even started to wrap i'm way ahead of my usual time table...and really thats about it...
i have nothing else to say so i guess i'll get back to playing chuzzle...
Monday, December 15, 2008
and the winner of survivor gabon is...
of course i wanted matty to win and he would have too if sugar didnt throw him under the bus by writting down his name at tribal council forcing the tie knowing he would never be able to beat bob in a fire making challange...
but since matty came in 4th place and was the last member of the jury i had to pick someone else for the win...and theres no doubt that bob is the rightful winner...the man went on a crazy winning streak winning 5 challanges in a row! yay for bob!
in other news i was mia since last wednesday becuase on thursday i went to see wintuk (those people did some crazy stunts!) on friday i went to jingle ball (the show was good...kanye west was on alittle too long but other than that everyone was amazing!) on saturday i went with my dad to get our christmas tree then we went dts then i worked on my last super top secret project (i'll post pics of all super top secret projects after christmas) and then on sunday i went to squishes little birthday party!...i cant beleive he is 2 already! yeah thats about alltill next time...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
dear santa
i have been a good girl all year long...and when i say good girl i'm not talking just knid of good i'm talking saint's not like i'm trying to impress you or anything its just my nature to be a sincerly good person...i always put the wants and needs of others before myself and just maybe its time to get some return on all the love i put out into the i ask pretty please with a cherry on top for you to grant my christmas wish...just like the song says: santa, bring me a man...
really any man will do ((beggers cant be choosers right)) but i do have some requirements and preferences...
1)non-cheaters only please
2) between the ages of 22 and29
3) will not judge based on appearance
4) has a heart of gold
1) has some type of dance ability or will at least try
2) republican
3) christian
4) is just as happy staying in as going out
5) likes the same type of tv and movies as i do (this isnt a hard one seeing as i like just about
6) straight teeth!
and one last thing that is a completly non-important, will never happen in a million years but doesnt hurt to ask type of request...if he looks like kellen lutz or jensen ackels it would just be spectacular!!! (i'll even throw in some extra cookies for you!)
thanks for taking time to read my request...if this man i'm asking for could be wrapped up and under my tree on christmas morning that would be fabulous!!!...
thanks again santa!
merry christmas!
love always,
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
twilight tuesday!
1) its a love story at its core and deep down i am a hopeless romantic...the connection that edward and bella make with each other is the kind of love everyone wants to find...they belong together just like cory and topenga or ross and rachel...edward may not be your typical prince charming ((with him being a vampire and all)) he is still a complete gemtleman and sweeps bella off her feet...i know its just a story but the ordinary girl and the extraordinary boy falling in love gives me a little bit of hope for the future...
b) i am a sci-fi fan...a lot of my fav tv shows and movies are in that i love all the vampire stuff...everyone knows basic vampire ledgend but i love how different stories spin that ledgend different ways...its so fascinating to me...instead of burning in the sun the vampires in twilight sparkle and the vampires in supernatural just dont like it so many of them chose to party all night and sleep all day...its just cool...well i think so anyway
iii) the characters are easy to relate to...bella is a normal girl who goes to a normal high school with other normal teenagers...i'm sure everyone knows/knew a jessica stanley and a mike newton...just typical people...not like the characters on some shows that you just say come on people like that cant really exist...
well this is my stop...there are tons of other things i love but i didnt want to say anything too specific incase people havent read it yet...and if you havent read it i highly suggest that you do...
til next time...happy blogging!!!
Monday, December 8, 2008
all i have to give
oh and of course dj found britt and me durring our shopping dad says no matter where we try to hide the kid always shows up...haha...anyway dj claims to have a guy for me but who knows with we will just have to see what happens...
i must be going now...until next time happy blogging!
lady lurch
I know I am not the only person irked by it, so I am pretty sure most of you will agree.....the stupid 23 year olds who think its an awesome idea to find themselves a 35 year old married man are THE MOST obnoxious, annoying, and pushy people I have ever seen! (and 2 years later they are even worse!!!)
I get that most people are stupid, and they are just not thinking, however, when you go to the gym, and you work out, should something or a certain someone interest you, you take a look and if there is a ring you STOP looking right? Oh, well that is just not good enough for these people. If a man is married you aren't afforded the OPTION to pursue him, yet they force themselves on him by their endless nagging. "Excuse me, do you have a wife…oh you do…its okay you can get rid of her and be with me instead” or "Excuse me, I’m a home wrecker" or "Please come back to my place and lie to your wife about it"
And now onto why these lady lurches complaints about the mall people are stupid:
A: its obvious you don’t need the sea salt lotion…you’re greasy enough as it is…do you really need to add to the problem???
B: last time I checked its not a crime to let little girls feel like a princess everyone in a while and if straightening their hair occasionally makes them feel special then what’s the problem???...i wonder if lady lurch wears her hair in its natural state the way god made it everyday…probably not…so again I ask whats the problem???...its not like the mall people or any one else is saying that the curls aren’t good enough…it’s the same concept as giving a little girl with natural straight hair some curls for the day…are you against that too???....maybe if someone treated her like a princess when she was small she wouldn’t be looking in all the wrong places today…
C: (and most importantly) they aren’t your kids!!!!...stop pretending that they are…how anyone could possibly think that someone soooo cute could be related to a lady lurch is way beyond my comprehension…I guess its best that the lady lurch practices saying “no” now because if she has children one day I cant imagine them being anywhere close to cute…maybe she will learn that when the people stop approaching her…
If any of you reading this are anything like a lady lurch I want you to grab something large and heavy, lift it high over your head, and then drop it.....because most likely after all was said and done, you are still waiting for your new man to become less of a cheating loser. You should feel really bad, it DOESN’T happen to best of us.
Please annoying lady lurch people, go find a single man like regular people do, and stop harassing people who are married and wanted to have a normal family life with no side projects in between. I would be most grateful, and if not I will be forced to carry pepper spray from this point forward.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
i should have thought this through
since thursday is big tv night for me i was going to talk about the hotties of thursday night but i couldnt think of a good title for it...maybe blind fanatic but i think that would work better for when i talk about bsb or twilight cause while i like thursday night tv and i do say that jensen is my future husband i wouldnt say that i'm a fanatic about it...
so then i thought maybe i'll title it all i have to give and talk about the christmas shopping i need to do this weekend...but then i thought no that would be better for tomorrows entry...
so i went back tot wanting to talk about tonights tv (lets call it 3S from now on standing for survivor smallville and supernatural)...and i still cant come up with a good title...grrr...maybe it because i wanted to limit my self to only bsb songs...maybe i should widen my range to only songs on my ipod...i dont know...haha...why am i so frazzled over this???...
right now i have a temp title of "i should have thought this through"...this is not in anysong i know now my mission is to think of a title that relates to my need to find a good title...haha!...wait a sec i'm listening to the call and it made me think that "it eats me from inside" could work...afterall i am going all kinds of crazy trying to find a good title...but maybe i should save that for something thats actually important that upsets if dandrew wins TAR on sunday...that would def eat me from inside...haha...okay so thats not really important either...oh who am i kidding i never talk about anything real important...
i think i'm just gonna leave the title i have now and start back up with the song thing tomorrow...or maybe not...if its this difficult everytime i may need to go bak to lame titles...oh least i can try right? right!...
good night and happy blogging!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
there'll be fire when we dance i miss you so...i need to find my way to dance class...since my "recital" in june i have only taken one class...=(...and it was only hiphop...dont get me wrong i love myself some hiphop class but i also love a good tap or jazz or lyrical class and it has been WAY TOO LONG since one of those...i hear all these songs that would be great to dance to and it makes me so sad that there are no more recitals to dance in...not only do i miss taking class i miss performing too...there is nothing like being up on stage with the lights shining and the music blasting and the audience watching and just giving it everything you have...i miss it so much...and i miss all of my friends from dance...sure we are still friends but we dont see each other nearly as much as we use to...there is a big whole in my world right now without dance...i guess it takes a while to get used to but i dont want to...i'm not a fan of change and this is just too much for me to i guess dancing in my kitchen and living room will have to do for now but i need to find some classes to take before i go crazy...
i am constantly hearing new songs and saying omg i need to dance to this...i recently got the newest lifehouse cd and there is a song on there called "storm" (i suggest downloading it if you havent heard it before) and it is the perfect lyrical song...i would love to dance to it myself but i dont think i could do it justice...i think it would make an amazing mia michaels contemp on sytycd...i love it...there are other songs too that i hear but just cant think of right now...
yeah i just need to get myself to dance class!!! and that it for now
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
twilight tuesday!
so next week i promise i will be sharing reason why i <3>twilight...until then if you love twilight just as much as i do then i suggest checking out it has anything and everything you could ever want that is twilight have fun!!
hopefuly i'll be back tomorrow at my usual time...
Monday, December 1, 2008
all by myself
so last week he comes into my house and says "if they ever do another family edition of the amazing race i think me cort kate and chase would be a good team"...omg its one of my dreams in life and hes just gonna kick me off the family team like that!!!...i couldnt believe in that one little sentence that was meant to be completely harmless he brought up all of my repressed panic of omg i am going to be alone for the rest of my life...
there really is no hope for me...i should just except it...but it makes me really sad...ya know that saying is it better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all...well i'm gonna go with the first part because it has got to be better than this...if i dont think about it i'm okay but when its thrown in my face it's kinda depressing...i know dj doesnt mean to upset me when he says things like "this winter me and cort and chase and kate are gonna go skiing do you want to go with us"...yeah sure i'll go theres nothing like being the 5th wheel on a ski trip and pay for everything...are you kidding me? NO I DONT WANT TO GO...its just another slap in the face...ya know...
its completely my fault to because no matter how much i pretend like i have my act together in reality i dont...i have super low confidence in myself...i say things to myself like "ugh how could you even think that any guy would ever be interested in you"...and because i have this mindset i dont put myself out there at all...and if i dont put myself out there i'll never find anyone...and if i dont ever find anyone then my self confidence goes its an evil cycle that i cant seem to break out of...and to those of you who say just get out there my answer to you is its not that easy...sure in theory it makes sense but in practice it just doesnt work...i'm getting anxiety right now just thinking about it...
so yeah i built up this box that i live in and i cant seem to get out of it...i tried this year i really did but i seem to be right back where i started...i dont know what to do to fix it but i want to...i really dont want to be alone for the rest of my life...that is my biggest fear in life...i want to find someone to love and who will love my that too much to ask for?...i dont think so...if everyone else can find their match where is mine?....grrrr...its sad and frustrating all at the same time...
i guess that enough of my whining...**sigh**...i'll talk to you later
Saturday, November 29, 2008
tis the season
there are some people out there who are totally bah humbug...((how do you spell that by the way)) i just cant understand why...this is the season of giving and love and celebration...why is it so hard for some people to get in the spirit of the holiday season???...for me it is so easy!!
thats it for now...i want everyone to get out there and spread the holiday love!!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
vegas baby!
little sis and i got to vegas saturday morning and went to the backstreet boys concert that night!!!...we wore the super awesome shirts that i made
top of the back
the concert was AMAZING!!!...did you really expect me to say anything else?...haha...nick was sick so he didnt sing a lot...i felt really bad for could tell he was struggling just to be out there...he didnt sing his solo and they also chose to skip panic...i was slightly upsent about that because panic is one of my faves on this tour...i even have it as my ringtone...the one plus to nick not singing a lot is that howie sung most of his parts which was great because it shows how talented he is...i've known for years but its about time other people see this as well...yeah we had tons of fun at the concert...oh and the girld sitting next to us were from jersey too so we werent the only crazies there...haha!...
on sunday we met up with barb...oh how i miss her so...there is never a dull moment when hanging out with barb!!!...we went to lunch at the returaunt she works was delish!...then we went to the wax museam...that was a ton of fun...there i sang with jessica simpson...barb was rude to cameron diaz...and cort married george clooney! i said we had fun...then we went to dinner...out waitress was kinda nasty too us but we didnt care because we were talking about "happy holidays miss lisa"...hahaha...cait you should have picked up the phone we wanted you to be a part of the good times!...and then we went to see keith barry hypnomagician...he was great...the show was super funny and the things he does are pretty was taped for a special on discovery you might see us in the audience!...
nothing exciting to report for monday...we woke up super early and then went overall we had an excellent time in vegas next time we will have to go for longer...
thats all for now...i hope everyone had a happy turkey day!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
nj transit...grrrrr
these morons never seem to get it is the busiest travel day of the year and you wpould think that they would try to be prepared...its not like it snuck up on them...the wednesday before thanksgiving has been the busiest travel day for years and years and years...but instead of being prepared it is a mad house in penn is now 6:10 and there are still trains on the board that should have left at 5:40...all i want to do i go home after along day at work and yet such a simple task is seeming impossible at this moment...oh and did i mention that they already decided yesterday to cancell my normal 6:11 train and combine stops with the 6:13 to "accomedate early weekend getaways"...can someone please explain to me how combining 2 trains accomedates more people...i just dont get now its going to be so crowded on there that i probably wont get a seat...and if i do i will be squashed next to smelly people...i hate when that happens...this is soooo annoying...grrrr....
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
twilight tuesday!
***caution: the following may contain SPOILERS!***
what i liked:
1) the cast was great!...most of the characters were portrayed just like i imagined them when i read the books...some were even better like charlie and jessica...charlie in the movie has a little bit more personality than charlie in the book...i loved the part when he was cleaning his gun and bella told him edward want to meet was so funny...speaking of funny jessica was amazing!...anna played the part perfectly...i could go on and on saying something good about all the charaters but i'll stop there becuase those are the biggest stand outs for me...
2) the baseball scene was awesome!...i thought it was really cool with the slow mo action and the mid-air collision of emmett and edward and the music the played durring it....the only thing that would have made it better is if it were longer
3) the pacific northwest is breath taking...enough said
4) nothing too drastic from the book was taken out of the movie...sure the blood typing would have been cool to see but it really wasnt necessary
5) the end was set up perfectly for new moon
6) rob and kellen and cam are super hottt!!! just had to add that in
7) there are tons more that i cant think of right now so i'll move on...
things i didn't like as much:
1) some of the special effects were cheesey...but nothing worse than an episode of charmed and i loved that show
2) sometimes robs american accent sounded weird...but not all the time
3) while kristen didnt bother me so much as bella i'm still not her biggest fan
things i liked but you may not if you didnt read the book:
1) there were a lot of faces the characters made that you wouldnt know why they were making them unless you read the when bella first walks into bio and edward makes a face like he wants to throw up and/or run away...i thought it was very funny cause i know that hes making that face becuase he wants to kill her...
2) i think thats it
Thursday, November 20, 2008
survivor thursday
so lets talk about SURVIVOR...there are 8 survivors left and i would say that its pretty much anyones game at this point...i def think randy is going home it could be anyone's game but his...the guy is crazy...he reminds me of the creature from work...not as gross but def just as crazy...the previews show him excited that he has bob's imunity idol...too bad bob made it so its not real...haha...i'm gonna laugh if he tries to play it at tribal council...hey at least its more believable as an idol than the stick ozzy carved a face into last season...but yeah i'll be surprised if its not randy going home tonight...
now lets talk some strategy for my boy matty to win this thing...i'm not sure if hes smart enough to pull this off but this is what i feel is his path to $1 million...this week he needs to stick with the kenny/crystal/susie allience and vote out randy...then next week he needs to make a tighter allience with sugar and they need to break away from the kenny allience and vote with corrine and bob against their old allience to get crystal and susie out...then pull kenny back in with them to vote out corinne and bob...that would leave a final 3 of matty sugar and kenny...the jurry wont vote for sugar to win becuase no one likes her...most of them wont vote for kenny to win because he was the mastermind in picking off the onion allience one by that leaves matty as the winner!...i'm sure things wont work out that way but hey you never know...
so thats all for probably wont hear from me again until have a fantabulous weekend all!!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
way back wednesday
back in 1997 my little sister cortney and my cousin brittany became fans of some group called the backstreet boys...little sis played the "first" cd over and over and over...i liked it and thought the music was nice but i didnt really know too much about them or anything like that...they were just whatever to me...(hey i was in 7th grade i thought i was cool...haha...)...on christmas eve that year we were all at my grandparents house and all the cousins were hanging out in the basement...cort and britt listened to that cd all night long...i'm am ashamed to admit this now but i yelled at them about it...**gasp** i i said i'm ashamed of that moment...
fast forward to spring break ' family went to vegas on vacation...when we were there we saw an add on tv for a bsb concert there in august...little sis said she had to i dont remember all of the details but we ended up getting tickets for the show and planned a big event out of it...after we got the tickets i decided that i better get all my facts straight before i go to this thing so i got on the super cool internet with a dial-up modem and learned as much as i could...i listened to the cd over and over...i was quickly becoming obsessed...i had to tape every time they were on tv...i just couldnt get enough of these guys...
summer of '98 came fast and being the super dorks we are my sisters and i got season passes for cosmic bowling...why is that important you ask...well because during cosmic bowling they showed music videos on big projection was there that i saw the quit playing games video for the first time...yeah it was my turn and just before i let go of the ball i looked up and saw the close up of howie with the open shirt in the rain and dropped the ball in the gutter...haha...yeah LOVE that video!!!
august 7, 1998...the night of my first concert was AMAZING...i didnt realize how much of an effect seeing them live would have on me...i went crazy...that concert is pretty much what sealed the deal for me...i knew from that moment on i would be a fan for life...
since that night over 10 years ago the craziness got worse for a while (maybe one i'll tell one of those stories)...but that level of crazy eventually died down some...i have seen my boys in concert 26 times...(it will be 27 this weekend)...and i have no intentions on that being a permanent long as they keep touring i will keep going...some people become addicted to cigarettes or coffee or whatever else but not me...i am addicted to the backstreet boys...and i always will be...= )!!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
twilight tuesday!
so to celebrate twilight tuesday i want to talk about tayor lautner...he plays bella's bff jacob black in the movie (only 3 more days!!! get excited!!!)...while i do think he is a cute kid i'm not here to talk about how hot he is or anything like me he will always be the kid from cheaper by the dozen who takes sally (from mikes super short show) on a date to the yeah i'm like an old lady in i'll be moving on now...there seems to be many people out there who are concerned about taylor playing jacob in the rest of the movies...not becuase of the actor but becuase of the character...i must admit that i had my doubts at first too but now i think he will make an awesome jacob in all the movies...and here is why:
1) in new moon jacob grows a good foot in a short amount of time...i think that they were smart in casting a young actor to play jacob in twilight so in the time between filming twilight and new moon he will age (possibly have a growth spurt) and look more like the jacob in new moon...if they were too cast an older actor for the role the chances of him looking exactly the same from movie to movie are much i have faith that taylor will be able to pull off older jacob no problem...and is it just me or does he already look older and buffer (more buff??...whats the proper way to say that??) compared to how he looked in the while it is important for the rest of the cast to look the same taylor needs to get older and he obviously is
2) it will be impossible to predict just how tall taylor will actually get but i'm sure the movie people can work their magic and make it look like he is close to 7 harry potter they make hagrid tower over every one and in real life he isnt nearly as tall as they make him in the movie...i think that looks fine so i'm not too worried about the hight issue...
3)last thing that makes me think taylor is a great jacob is watching him on "my own worst enemy"...he plays the son of the main guy...not really a huge role but in last weeks episode they showed him at some type of martial arts fighting event...i dont know any of the right terms to use here so just bare with me...he was in a match using a long metal stick...i read somewhere that taylor was good at that kind of stuff but WOW after seeing it for myself i was super impressed...that was the moment when i said "yeah...he is def our jacob black"...i was sold and from that moment on theere hasnt been a doubt in my mind that taylor is going to be an AWESOME jacob in twilight and the rest of the saga!!!
alrighty thats all for now...if i'm going to continue to have twilight tuesdays maybe i'll have themes for the rest of the days of the week...any suggestions...
Monday, November 17, 2008
happy twilight week!!!
before we get into the amazingness that is twilight in celebration of twilight week let me recap the events of last week
SURVIVOR: so there was a merge and matty is safe...yay!...charlie got voted out at tribal council this week...its a shame he had to be the one to go cause i didnt really mind him...he was a nice guy...but he was in the other alliance so i had to be one of them...randy has got to go next he is one annoying guy
THE CW: so the jets won! was close though...they won in no salt was poured in my wound but it was held over them ready to go at any SMALLVILLE and SUPERNATURAL were shown on saturday night...good thing too because lots of important things happened in these episodes...**spoilers ahead**...if i didnt know the events leading up to Chloe not knowing clarks secret anymore i would have been lost...thats a huge event and i must say that i'm a little sad about it...and on supernatural we found out what happened to sam when dean was dead...and why he trusts ruby so much
ALTER BOYZ: omg so funny!!!...if you get offended easily i would not recommend this but if you like to laugh and realize that the jokes are all in good fun then you should def go see this show!!!...i loved it!!!...and omg one point he was right in front of me singing to me...i think i stopped breathing for that moment...haha...who knew the boy could yeah very funny go see it!
ROLE MODELS: i know i didnt say that i was going to see this but i did so here is a quick review...this movie was very funny...again if you like a good laugh you should go see it...but its rated R so leave the kiddies at home...and dont forget your id...cause if you're 23 but look 12 like i do then you might just get carded...thats right i got carded at the movie theater...haha! case you dont know what this movie is about you're in luck cause im gonna tell these 2 guys (paul rudd and sean william scott) get into some trouble and are sentenced to do community service at a big brother type program...they each get a is a geeky teen and the other a trouble maker 10 year old...and the crazy antics ensue from there...i was laughing so hard tears were coming go see it!
TWILIGHT!!!!....the movie comes out on friday and i couldnt be more excited!!! i fell in love with this story...britt suggested that i read it so i took her advice and from the moment i read the first page until when i finished breaking down i put my life on hold to read...i just could not put it down...the story pulled me in and wouldnt let me go...i couldnt wait to get out of work so i could read...i even cancelled my daily morning nap on the train to read...thats huge for such a great love story with some super cool vampire stuff thrown in...i just love it!!! i'll admit it i'm in love with a fictional now all i need is for a real life edward to come along and sweep me off my feet..but to be honest even though i love edward in twilight i think in real life i would be more compatible with someone like emmett...
i think that will be it for now...i have a whole week to talk about twilight so i'll save some for another day...ttfn!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
alter boyz
well i best be going to you soon!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
stupid patriots
at least i have other programing to look foward to tonight...survivor is on at 8...i hope that there is a merge but if that doesnt happen fang needs to win immunity or else my boy matty is in trouble...the old kota members will get rid of him so fast its not even funny...he is my fav so i hope he manages to stick around longer...but this season weak players are picking off the strong ones one by we will just have to wait and see...
also on tonight is the return of dr mark greene to the er!!!...i cant wait!!!...the episode that he died was the first time i ever cried over a tv was so it will be good to see him back in action in tonights flashback episode...
i think thats all for now...stay tuned and i'll let you know how tonight turns out...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
fancy new phone
well i gtg...good night!
where has the time gone???
so yeah i just cant comprehend how it is november already!!!...hopefully i wont let time slip away again before my next blog..and i promise to put something interesting in it...well i can try at least... =)...maybe i'll go back to reviewing the shows i watch so then i feel like i have to blog and i wont be mia for too long...its too late in the season for the amazing race (TAR) and dancing with the stars (DWTS)...but maybe i'll start sharing my survivor thoughts...we shall see....oh and of course i'm going to need to talk about twilight soon because i am completely obsessed right now...only 9 days left until the movie comes out...yay!!!!
umm...thats it for now...happy blogging all!!!
Friday, August 22, 2008
sure i can go on and on about how much i cant stand stupid phil at work but its the weekend and i dont really want to think about that creature until i am forced to see him on monday morning...ugh...and even if i did rant about how gross he is i dont think anyone would ever believe me...and if you did believe me i dont even know if i could discribe him good enough...its def a you gotta see to believe type of sitch..
or i could talk about how much i love to nap but i think i'll save that for a day when i want to take a nap...cause now i just feel like going to sleep for the nap needed...
or i could talk about he fact that little sister has a boyfriend now all 3 of my sisters have a boyfriend...(well one has a husband but still) that leaves me all by myself...but i dont want to get into this topic because i dont want the snowball need to get sad cause im DTS and im going to have an awesome sadness....
okay so i guess i said im gonna go...maybe one day all of these topics will get their own blog...maybe not...only time will tell....
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I heart the backstreet boys!!!
so yeah last week i went to the BACKSTREET BOYS concert!!!!! was in conn. so i had to take the day off from work but it was well worth it...they are by far my absolute faves!!!...i dont know what it is about them but when it comes to them i revert back to my 14 year old self...i think i may be will be a fan for life thats for sure!!!...i could ramble on and on for ever about the loves of my life and how amazing they are but most people dont really care so i'll stop...but for anyone who would like to see what all the fuss is about you can click here you can watch a full show from the unbreakable tour...this one was filmed in london in may...oh btw i was there too!!!...yeah im obsessed what can i say...haha...
so now sit back relax and enjoy the show!!!
oh and ps msn has a whole bunch of concerts for your viewing enjoyment so if bsb doesnt float your boat you may be able to find something else there that does!!! so check it out!!!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
how about some real life
so this weekend i went dts (down the shore)...hopped on the train after work and the come home today...saturday i went swimming at my sister's little squish a lish was super cute just like always!!!...later i went back to the house and got ready for band night...this band was really good and tons of fun...deb ordered excellent food from runners and lennys...the whole night was hit and i had tons of fun!!!! was on the gloomy side and it turned out to be rather stormy so we just stayed in the house, watched movies, and played spades...i was partners with wanda...we lost to cort and jill but not by much it was a close most of the day was good...
...until the ride home. (warning im about to have a venting woe is me moment)..i was talking to my sister and asking her about this new boy at the beach and some how the conversation turned into more then that and i realized that evnthough i thought i was close to my sisters im really not...they dont tell me all goes back to the stupid box i live in...and i guess they think that i would be upset with them or diapopinted or something i dont know...but i dont think that they understand that it hurts me more to know that they keep secrets from me but find it okay to tell just about everyone else....i mean if i had anything to tell, i would tell them...but maybe i wont now because they clearly dont care to tell me...and the worst part is the fact that she said well i didnt tell anyone in the family...well im sorry last time i checked meg britt kate and ty are in our family...and some of the other people she chooses to confide in over me just really hurts my feelings...and then when i get upset about one thing all the other things that make me sad come flooding in...its like a snowball its just all bad right now...but whatever ill get over it...i always do and by tomorrow i will be back to my typical cheerful self...
good night
Friday, July 25, 2008
you have got to be KIDDING me!!!!
this week i am skipping right over my normal review and going straight into my outrage over this show!!!! there is something seriously wrong with the fact that WILL got voted off this week!!! he was by far the best dancer this season...the judges have made it perfectly clear that they want a hiphop dancer to win this is it possible that this could happen???...GRRRRR!!!!!!...i am angry and sad all at the same time...and i will admit that this is the first time this show has made me cry...i wasnt balling or anything but i did shed a few tears...i'm still in disbelief...what else is there even to say....nothing...i almost want to quit...but obviously i cant but i want to...this season is not up to par thats for sure...
Monday, July 21, 2008
who is the mole?
so now that we all know what the game is about lets get down to this season...there are only 5 players left and i still have no idea who the mole could be anyone of them...i really dont think its mark but the other 4 are all on my list and have exhibited lots of moley behavior...but i must say that i thought nicole was the mole from the beginning so i am still slightly leaning towards her...only time will tell and after tonights episode and we only have 4 players left i plan on sharing my thoughts on why and why not each of them is the mole...
from 10 to 8
Thursday, July 17, 2008
top 10 (part 2)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
top 10 (part 1)
okay a few things before i get into my review...
- jessica is out and comfort is back in...all i have to say about that is grrrr!!!!
- when i heard lil c was the third judge i was like really, really??? what could this guy possibly have to say thats worth while but to my surprise i thought he was an EXCELLENT judge!!!
- what was i thinking when i decided to review this show...its a whole lot of dancing...its late...and im i'll probably only get to half of what happened tonight...
so onto the show...
Round ONE
Courtney and Joshua ~> hiphop
this was a frankenstien theamed dance...i thought they did a good job...josh really stood out for me in this dance...(as he should have cause he is a hiphoper afterall)...and i thought court kept up with him for the most part...but what happened to the illusion she tried to sure she can do it better than that...
Mark and Kherington ~> country two step
Oh boy...what a mess this dance was...they missed all kinds of turns and they just looked awkward doing me crazy but a top 10 dance shouldnt be classified as a mess...i mean they tried but it just didnt work...however, on a positive note i like that the show is adding more styles
Twitch and Comfort ~> waltz
Yeah this was mess number two for the night...i thought twitch did little bit better than comfort but still not a whole the dance wasnt very graceful...just not very good at was very blah...but i must say i did laugh when the dirty dancing lift was mentioned and my lm-ers know why!!! (happy holidays!!!...hahahaha)
Will and Katee ~> broadway
yay for not being a mess!!!! this dance was tons of fun...they both nailed their characters and all of the technical elements of this dance (yesh they did)...i really liked it!!! now i must say that will is my fav in the top 10 and i also want to say that i like josh and katee much better away from each other than i did when they were partners...
Gev and Chelsie ~> contemporary
i liked this one...chelsie always does such an amazing job at all the non ballroom styles that i forget that shes a ballroom dancer...and every time she dances i say to myself wow heidi never would have been able to do yeah good job chelsie...and as fav as gev goes i thought he did a good job too...nothing great but not bad overall this was def one of the better dances of the first half...
okay thats all for now...i'm tired and must go to sleep...stay tuned for my thoughts on round 2 and the solos...and of course there will be a results show tomorrow hopefully i will get to everything...but until then good night!!!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
"it will be very sad to lose one of you"
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Top 12
- Chelsie and Mark ~~> first they danced a salsa...again with the feathers not as distracting as last weeks feathers in their foxtrot but i could have done with out them...onto the actual dance...i liked it!!!...i'm not a salsa expert or anything but i thought it was entertaining and it looked super difficult and to me it looked like they nailed it...but i do agree with mia's comment about mark's character not being as strong as it usually is...still a great number!!! for their second dance of the evening they had broadway and let me start by saying that i LOVE the song they used and it brings back all kinds of great memories for me (like dawnie and her ending pose) yeah i liked this peice...i wouldn't call it amazing or anything but it was good and they def sold the whole feeling of the overall for the night these 2 had two solid performances....i'm a fan!!!
- Thayne and Comfort ~~> first up hip hop...i thought thayne did a much better job at picking up the style of hip hop than any other non hiphoper this whole season...yes i understand what the judges said about no chemistry blah blah whatever but i really think that he danced it really well if that makes any sence to anyone...and i give him major props for not smiling because as a constant smiler i find it super dificult not to smile while im dancing and it takes a lot of effort becuase i find so much joy in danceing that the smile just slips out even if the song or dance dont really call for it....anyway moving they did contemporary...yeah comfort just wasnt good at it...i'm not too happy she was even here this week so i'm gonna be extra critical on her and i dont even have to be because anyone can see that she was not good at this dance....thayne on the other hand was excellent!!!...i see bottom three in their near future...i just really hope that mia fights for thayne to stay...
- Will and Jessica~~> contemporary...yeah all i have to say is OH.MY.GOD...i was completly speachless after this was definitely one of those WOW moments...i think its my fav from the whole sesaon...there are no words to describe how brilliant will is...and i must admit that i was not a jessica fan in the beginning becuase her fist solo was aweful but she started to grow on me a little bit and then last week she stepped it up with the shirt dance and now this week she def proved herself to good job!!! number two was me it seemed more like some type of fusion between quickstep and jive or something but def didnt look like your typical quickstep...i know nothing about proper quickstep technique so i cant really judge on that but i will say that i thought it was fun and i was entertained but their first dance was so excellent that they could have stood there and did nothing and still get my vote....thats right it said it my fingers are diling 888-TEMPO-03 tonight!!!!
- Courtney and Gev~~> time for some cha cha...this was a fun first i was kinda eh toward it but it picked as it went on...but i couldnt help but think about what it would have looked like if it was pasha and anya out there that would have been AMAZING!!!! up was a ??? (okay so i wasnt really paying attention when they said the style but i'm guessing it was jazz)...this was a safari themed dance...again i thought it was fun...gev did some great tricks but when he wasnt doing his trick i thought you could really see his limitations (like the super bent legs in that stradle jump) overall tonight these two were fun...
- Twitch and Kherrington~~>they pulled krump out of the hat...i don't really like krumping so to me this dance was just okay...not because i dont think they did good because i thought twitch really shined in this peice but just because i dont like the style...and kherrington def lost some steam at the number two tango...yeah i wasnt feeling this...i dont think this was anywhere near the level of dancing we should be seeing at this point in the competition...i think after tonights performances they should be in the bottom 3 tomorrow night but because they are one of the golden couples i know they wont be...
- Katee and Joshua~~>Viennese waltz was first for them...let me start by saying that i think I'm the only person who just doesn't get it with these with that being said i didn't like it...LOVE the song (its my text ringtone...hehe...) but not so much the dance...i didn't think it was flowy enough for a waltz...i don't know if that's completely their fault because it was pretty fast but the number one golden couple should have done better...oh dance number 2 was bollywood...and i have no comment...only because i don't want to offend anyone and i think that's where my comments would be lets just leave it at that....
Okay so that's everything...let me know what you think...and i will be back tomorrow with the results!!!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
So You Think You Can Dance???
also i think im going to share my opinions of other shows i watch like the mole and when it comes back lost and possibly other misc. shows along the way...maybe some movie reviews too...oh and i guess i can throw in some real life stories as to recap i'm going to try my best not to neglect my little blog and talk about just about anything and everything...if you have a request please let me know...
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
my first blog on here
i have lots of things to say and in time will get to all of them...but for now i must go to sleep because the real world is calling and i need to go to work bright and early in the am...
so good night...sleep tight...and dont let the bed bugs bite!!!