Monday, March 24, 2014


Hello there blogging world...its been quite some time since I wrote an actual blog...I've been busy making vlogs!!...If you haven't seen them, I don't know what you're waiting for...they are pretty funny...or at least I think they are...there's a bunch on my YouTube page!!...just do a search for'll find me...make sure you subscribe to my page while you're at it...

Anyway...I'm not hear to talk about all my cool vlogs...I have an actual blog post that I want to write....This one is gonna be all about my experience being 28...I have a little over a month left at this awesome age and I thought I would take a minute or two to look back and reflect...

Not too long after my birthday back in May I decided that it was time to finally go on a date...I've never been on one and I felt like I was getting kinda old for that...I was ready and determined...I mean I even started using the hashtag know it's serious when it has its own hashtag!...haha!!!...

to help me accomplish my goal I signed up for some free Internet dating websites and asked some friends for advice...but besides that I really didn't put any effort in...for Internet dating to work you have to actually reply to the guys who message you...and I didn't really do that...oops!! here I am...only a month left and still no first date...ugh!!...but I'm not here to complain!...I'm here to say that I'm okay with it...and I promise I'm not just saying I'm okay with it...I really am...

I like to look at it thins way...I could have focused all of my energy into getting a date...but I didnt...Instead I did so many other really awesome things...tons of people have been on lots of dates...but some the experiences I've had this past year are things that most people don't get to do...and I'm not saying that i wouldn't have been able to do these things if i did go on a date...I'm also not bragging about anything I've done...I'm just saying that sure one area of my life may be lacking but all the rest are full...I consider myself blessed

I have an amazing family who I love with all of my heart and we got through the hardest time of my life together...I don't know what I would have done without each and every one of them

I was able to travel all over the US (and to Guatemala) to go to concerts...and by doing this I've created unbreakable bonds with girls I didn't know a year ago and they are now some of my best friends...Also since we went to so many I managed to be a worldwide girl...AND kendall knows who I am...The first time he told me that he remembered me I think I died a little on the inside...haha!!

I made the decision to leave a job I was unhappy at and take a position at one I loved...okay...maybe loved is too strong of a word...but i definitly liked it a lot better...ive been back for a week and im already much happier...anyway with this came the decision to move out of my parents house and to a different state...The big move isn't happening until the summer but I still decided to do's too late to back out now...

So really this year I've decided that I just have to live my life the way that I want things that make me happy and not worry about anything else...If I'm supposed to go on a date then it will happen...If not then that's okay too...I can't beat myself up over it...I'm much happier when I'm not constantly feeling sorry for myself cause I've never been on a date or never been kissed or anything like's gonna happen one day...i know it will...for now I'll just be over here living my life and smiling over the things i do have and not sad over the things i dont...I feel like this is something I used to say but now at 28 I truly believe it...

#FirstDateAt28 was a bust...oh well...I don't think I would trade any of the good things that happened to me this year for a's not worth it!! =)