That’s right folks the 2nd annual Backstreet Boys Cruise took place the first weekend in december and I was there loving every single second of it!!! I guess the best way to tell you about everything is through a day by day recap just like I did last year (which you can check out here here here and here)…so lets dive right in with day one shall we!!!
Little sis and I woke up pretty early put on our “OMG we’re back again!” shirts and headed for the port…we wanted to make sure we got there early because last year we missed the boys getting on the boat by like 5 minutes…that wasn’t going to happen again!!...we got to the port and checked in…check in didn’t go as smoothly as I hoped…we had a suite so our tickets said VIP on them…since we were there so early, most of the carnival employees were not informed that there was a different VIP area for us…we ended up in the one reserved for the boys…we saw them all come in there (which was super exciting!) and then we got kicked out (which was a major bummer!)…its not like we snuck in there…its where we were told to go…so anyway since we couldn’t check in in the vip area we got in the regular line…nbd because the line was small…but when they went to give us our keys, they didn’t have them and said they were in the VIP room…yup the same place we were just kicked out of…oh boy…so someone from rose tours went to get our stuff…after that was all sorted out we got our keys and wristbands and we were good to go!!...all that was left to do was wait to get on the Carnival Imagination and for our adventure to begin!!...while we waited little sis was able to snag a photo with AJ…woo hoo!...
we also got to meet a bunch of girls ive been chatting with online all year…it was awesome to finally meet them in person!!!...the crowd in the port was growing rapidly and the boys finally made their way onto the ship!!...we made sure we were sitting right by their path so we had a great view of their grand entrance…the best part of the whole entrance was when brian went by doing the janet jackson “if” dance…not sure how many people got it but I def did!
Sail Away Party
This was a fun addition to the cruise…the boys came out on the deck for what was essentially our first deck party…it took place while we were leaving miami…they played a bunch of fun music and everyone was having a good time…little sis an I got there a little late because we were finishing our door but I don’t think we missed too much…we opted to stand back away from the crowd a little bit…you may not be as close standing back but I can usually see better and I have space to move around…so I tend to like this spot better then being in the thick of the crowd…the boys really hammed it up and made this party awesome…it def set the tone for the whole cruise!!!
In It To Win In
It was game show time!!...little sis and I made our way to the lounge for the game show…our seats were in the SECOND ROW (eeek!)…we were so freaking close!!!...these seats were a million times better than the great last row debacle of 2010…haha!...while we waited we had our eye out for rose tours people because we wanted to get picked for the game show…we spotted one the row behind us getting the info of a girl sitting there…we tried to call him over to us but he completely ignored us…(im pretty sure i know why but im not certain so I don’t want to wrongly accuse anyone of anything)…so anyway we didn’t have to wait too long before the game show was under way…it put brian, nick and 2 fans against aj, howie, and 2 fans in a minute to win it-esque game…
even though im totally a howie girl I found myself rooting for nick and brian because they were on my side of the stage…there were 9 different mini games played and they were all a ton of fun…my faves were orange pass, mini bike relay, nose dive and coconut smoochie…I couldn’t stop laughing the whole time we were in there…the boys are super competitive with each other…its great to see them goofing around and having fun in a different setting…things I learned from the games…nick’s a maniac, maniac on the floor…brian is a professional mini bike rider…howie thought he was good a flip cup but really wasn’t…and aj was the only one who attempted to play by the rules…that’s right the bad boy was the only one not cheating…haha!!!
Before dinner started little sis and I had a little bit of time to kill so we took some pictures and the spots they have set up around the ship…there was one beach scene with a giant umbrella…there was another lovely fall set up with fake leaves…I took a picture throwing the leaves into the air…haha!!...then it was time for dinner…I sat with my group of friends and again we were sitting just a couple tables away from brian…twice in one day!...thats pretty cool! was great to sit and chat with these girls in person after months of constant emails…they truly helped make this trip awesome!!!’s weird to say because we haven’t spent much time together in person but over the past year these girls have become some of my best friends! Love them!!!
Sphynkter 80’s Night
At first glance 80’s night doesn’t make much since for a band who was at the height of their popularity in the 90’s…but in 2005 they made a music video for “just Want You To Know” that took place in the 80’s…the boys each played 2 characters in the video…they were the fictional hair band kn
own as Sphynkter and they were fans of the band…the video is definitely their funniest to date and its my favorite! if you’ve never had the pleasure of watching this video please please please go over to youtube and check it out!!

So now that the explanation of the night is out of the way, lets get down to what happened…little sis and I got dressed in our 80’s jazzercise gear, took some funny pics in the hallway, cracked our glow sticks and headed out to the deck…I loved seeing everyone’s outrageous 80’s costumes…everyone looked awesome!!...while we

i stole some of these pictures from jen and little thanks guys!...haha!!
stay tuned for days 2 and 3!!!
1 comment:
I love reading your review. I can't wait to read the rest of it!!!
PS- I also loved your 80s outfits.
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